We decided to make age adequate adjustments to the tournament for this year’s DIDA Women’s day with the aim of introducing a development centred approach to our sports competition. We will run 7 aside matches, 25 minutes long and 8 girls teams participating.
On the 7th of March we'll run the Group stage. On Women’s Day the 8th, will be the Silver and Gold rounds. The ranking games for 7th and 5th place are omitted, as well as the usual cross-comparisons followed by the game for 3rd place and final.

Some of the main advantages over an adult tournament mode are: ● Each tournament team plays the same number of games (5). ● There is no knockout-stage, thus result-oriented line-ups or changes can be avoided. All children should be given the same amount of game time, regardless of their performance. ● All teams have everything to play for after the preliminary round. Even if you finish 3rd or 4th in the group, you can still win the silver round. ● Each team can look forward to at least coming in at 4th place, there are even 6 instead of 3 podium places.