The team resumed for our final weekend of our 2019 monthly chess training on October 24th - 26th October.
This months programme was hosted by Nakisenye Primary School. We had full attendance from all schools in our final month, bringing our base number to 217 children, aged 4yrs - 16yrs. We are so proud of the discipline and commitment from parents, teachers, coaches and of course the kids.
Kids were becoming more confident with notation and using the clocks. SOM coaches had them pair up and practice in timed games.
We wouldn't be able to do any of this without dedicated volunteers, SOM coaches, parents, teachers and of course our supporters and sponsors. The children lives are transforming slowly as they become more and more motivated with every lesson.
Thank you for all your continued encouragement and please support us! We need to now prepare for the first edition of the DIDA Chess in Schools tournament in a few weeks time! #DIDA4School #WeKeepGoing #DIDACommunityUG